Hey Astro people,
I've designed a logo for NJ Astro club. Please feel free to give comment on the design and feedback on how to improve it.
The schedule for term 4 will be out pretty soon. The exco is still confirming the time and date. But most probably there will be a session coming Friday 16 Oct 2009. Venue is at Sigma Lab, 6:30 pm. There will be an observation session after that.
The Boarding School Session for the JH 1 will be on 4 Nov 2009. So PLEASE keep that night free for all members are to help out on that day. We are seriously SHORT-HANDED so we need EVERYONE. I will upload the plans for the boarding school session onto the blog asap so remember to check the blog regularly.
That's all folks. Good luck for your End of Year Examinations. Hope to see you soon =)