Thursday, July 29, 2010

Astro conference

Dear Astro members,

Much awaited Astro Conference is almost here! So here is a reminder =)
Okies firstly, please meet at 8 45am in Woodlands MRT station. We will meet
each other there and leave as a club =)

Secondly, there is NO SESSION tmr. Since everyone is going to be busy
on Saturday, tmr's day off is to rest and prepare =)

Next, please bring your uniform (full grey) for the forum, from
5 to 7pm. This is very important as we would not want to be dressed
inappropriately when the Minister is there. You can come in any school
t-shirt and pants or skirts in the morning and change before the forum.

Last but not least, EVERYONE has to SIGN IN and SIGN OUT so that correct
number of CIP hours can be awarded. In Woodlands CC, the registration booth
will be in the first floor. Please proceed to the booth to sign in and get your lanyard
and event t-shirt. Before leaving, please don't forget to sign out and return your lanyard.

That's all for now. Hope everyone is excited =)

Because we ain't afraid of the dark =)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Astro conference

Hey peeps,

We were invited to attend the Astronomy conference.
Please check your email for more information.
Hope to see you there =)

NJC Astro Club
- Because we ain't afraid of the dark -

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MP Astro Brownie Workshop cum Partial eclipse observation!

Hey ppl, MP Astro is inviting us to their Astro Brownie workshop cum partial eclipse observation.

Information about the event:
Date: 26th June 2010
Time: 6pm- 9pm
Venue: The dream kitchen, Marine Parade CC level 3
Age group: 8- 12 year olds
Itinerary: Registration, step by step guidance of baking of brownies, stargazing at rooftop

Some points to take note:
- you are advised to bring your aprons. It might get messy.
- No vulgarities allowed at the event.
- All helpers are encouraged to come in the afternoon to help out. Exact timing to be confirmed.
- CIP hours given out: 5 hours or more.

If you are interested, please send your name, contact number and NRIC number to Weide before 18th June. Thanks ppl =)


- Because we ain't afraid of the dark -

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meeting with AGAstro @ AGCC

Hi everyone. This is the meeting minutes on the meeting at AGCC on 8/6/2010 with regards to the upcoming Astro Conference.

Astronomy Conference (something like a day packed with lively activities)

Date: 31/07/2010
Time: 10am to 10pm

Lunch will be provided only for the helpers. One may prepare question that concerns astro, or the sciences in general, or both. It's a free-and-easy conference and the public can choose their activities.

Ok, now we shall focus on the more recent activities which would be happening very soon, just after the J1's CT1.

Activity: Sidewalk Astronomy Sessions @ MRT Stations along the N-S Line (Choo-Choo Trains! :D)

NJAstro had chosen 3 dates during the meeting, and we need volunteers to help out on each day of the events. The details are below:

Available Dates/Times/Location/School-in-Charge:

I. 07 July, Wednesday 8:00pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC
II. 09 July, Friday 7:30pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC
III. 21 July, Wednesday 7:30pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC


We need FOUR volunteers for each of the sessions, preferably different volunteers to ensure everyone gets CIP hours! ^^ Scholars who need to take 'leave' from Boarding School to participate in the above events, please do so in advance. =) Do note that the Sidewalk Astronomy Sessions are weather-dependent... so if it is too cloudy or it rains, then X.X.

Bring portable telescope :

NJAstro is also to bring her own telescope, so we shall choose a portable scope (can anyone guess which scope? xD), bring it to AGCC and store the scope there on the 2/7/2010 (must decide quickly).

Okies. I think that's all for now. I have to run. AC 2010's tomorrow!!! :O :O :) I shall go now. =)

~~The Double. Brown Dwarf. xD

Friday, May 28, 2010

NJC Astronomy Club EXCO 2010

First of all,

Congratulations to those who are elected into the new NJC Astro EXCO 2010. To those who are not selected, always bear in mind that your contribution as a member can be just as impactful.

Congratulations to the following:

President: Sivam
Vice-president (SH): Cao Li
Vice-president (JH): Lam
Secretary: Wei De
Quarter masters: Wei De and Yusheng
Research officer: Shengmu and Hui Ning

I wish the new NJC Astro EXCO all the best. The road ahead will not be easy. With power comes great responsibility, and with responsibility comes high expectations. But I can assure you that this will be an enjoyable and memorable experience if you commit your heart and soul into it. Give it your best shot and bring NJC Astro to greater heights beyond the moon and beyond the stars =)

It has been a real pleasure working together with the previous EXCO and I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Zhao Yuan, Zhuoyun, Lam, Cao Li and Tung. It has been GREAT working with you guys. I would also like to thank the rest of the members for making each and every session organised by us a truly memorable and meaningful experience. I hope that all members will continue to support the new EXCO just like how all of you have supported the previous EXCO.

Last but not least, I wish our Senior and Junior teams all the best for the upcoming NUS-NTU Astrochallenge.

NJC Astro - Because we ain't afraid of the dark


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Orientation - "Under the Starry Night" 5 Feb

Dear juniors,

Thank you for indicating your interest in joining the NJC Astronomy Club! Choosing the right CCA is important as joining a CCA which interest you will enrich your college life and make your experience in NJC a fruitful and memorable one. NJC Astronomy Club, with its unique blend of the popular Science Astronomy and amateur hobby of star gazing, stands out among other CCAs in providing a distinctively different yet enjoyable experience.

In NJC Astronomy Club, we explore a wide range of disciplines including stars, planets, astrobiology, and spacecraft exploration. Some of the most bizzare theories in Astronomy- Big Bang, black hole and time travel- are also explored.

By joining NJC Astronomy Club, you can expect to do night sky observation - view planets, star clusters, nebula and galaxies throuh our telescopes, or simply enjoy the pleasure of navigating your way through constellations, perhaps in a meteor shower. You can also expect to attend exciting talks by Astronomers, overseas star-gazing trips cum immersions, Astronomy camps and competitions. Our weekly session is on Friday, 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm, but we do have occassional star gazing sessions at night.

Want to know more about our Astronomy Club? Join us for our orientation, "Under the Starry Night", on coming Friday (5 Feb). An introduction to the subject Astronomy and an overview of the Astronomy experience in Singapore will be presented. Exciting games and a night sky observation session are also included. Refreshment will be provided.

"Under the Starry Night"

5 February 2010, Friday

Time:4.30 - 7.00 pm (Introduction to Astronomy and games)
7.00 pm (Refreshment)
7.30 - 9.30 pm (Night sky Observation)

Venue: Sigma Lab

Any inquires, feel free to contact me (Hp: 93279588). We hope to see you on the coming Friday.

Edrei Chua
NJC Astronomy Club 2010

- Because we ain't afraid of the dark -