Monday, June 21, 2010

Astro conference

Hey peeps,

We were invited to attend the Astronomy conference.
Please check your email for more information.
Hope to see you there =)

NJC Astro Club
- Because we ain't afraid of the dark -

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MP Astro Brownie Workshop cum Partial eclipse observation!

Hey ppl, MP Astro is inviting us to their Astro Brownie workshop cum partial eclipse observation.

Information about the event:
Date: 26th June 2010
Time: 6pm- 9pm
Venue: The dream kitchen, Marine Parade CC level 3
Age group: 8- 12 year olds
Itinerary: Registration, step by step guidance of baking of brownies, stargazing at rooftop

Some points to take note:
- you are advised to bring your aprons. It might get messy.
- No vulgarities allowed at the event.
- All helpers are encouraged to come in the afternoon to help out. Exact timing to be confirmed.
- CIP hours given out: 5 hours or more.

If you are interested, please send your name, contact number and NRIC number to Weide before 18th June. Thanks ppl =)


- Because we ain't afraid of the dark -

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meeting with AGAstro @ AGCC

Hi everyone. This is the meeting minutes on the meeting at AGCC on 8/6/2010 with regards to the upcoming Astro Conference.

Astronomy Conference (something like a day packed with lively activities)

Date: 31/07/2010
Time: 10am to 10pm

Lunch will be provided only for the helpers. One may prepare question that concerns astro, or the sciences in general, or both. It's a free-and-easy conference and the public can choose their activities.

Ok, now we shall focus on the more recent activities which would be happening very soon, just after the J1's CT1.

Activity: Sidewalk Astronomy Sessions @ MRT Stations along the N-S Line (Choo-Choo Trains! :D)

NJAstro had chosen 3 dates during the meeting, and we need volunteers to help out on each day of the events. The details are below:

Available Dates/Times/Location/School-in-Charge:

I. 07 July, Wednesday 8:00pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC
II. 09 July, Friday 7:30pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC
III. 21 July, Wednesday 7:30pm – 9:30pm Admiralty MRT - NJC


We need FOUR volunteers for each of the sessions, preferably different volunteers to ensure everyone gets CIP hours! ^^ Scholars who need to take 'leave' from Boarding School to participate in the above events, please do so in advance. =) Do note that the Sidewalk Astronomy Sessions are weather-dependent... so if it is too cloudy or it rains, then X.X.

Bring portable telescope :

NJAstro is also to bring her own telescope, so we shall choose a portable scope (can anyone guess which scope? xD), bring it to AGCC and store the scope there on the 2/7/2010 (must decide quickly).

Okies. I think that's all for now. I have to run. AC 2010's tomorrow!!! :O :O :) I shall go now. =)

~~The Double. Brown Dwarf. xD